An Evaluation of Open Design Practices Primarily Implemented Through the World Wide Web

In Open Realms deals with the principles and practices of open source, open media and open access and their democratizing potential within the design craft.

An HTML/CSS-to-Print Publication
The first step involved creating a theoretical publication with all of the gathered insights and evaluations of open design and open media practices; hereby utilizing only HTML/CSS code and Paged.js for the design process of the book and thus completely sidestepping proprietary graphic design software. Assembling and styling all content in written HTML/CSS enabled the seamless transition from a print publication to a fully digital one, therefore evolving into a freely accessible and interactive web publication for both designers and non-designers to enjoy and learn from.

Open Design Link Depository
Additionally, a structured link depository/glossary was established. It compiles descriptions and links to various aspects and ressources that facilitate open and free methodologies of visual communication, providing an opportunity for everyone to benefit.